Hospital Information System
Medfields, being a renowned healthcare service provider from Medfields offers comprehensive product IT solutions for medium to large-sized hospitals.
Today, Hospitals are adopting Information Technology as a vital solution to maintain superior quality in the healthcare services they render. HIS (Hospital Information Systems) are designed to cater the increasing demands of the hospital in this technology era. HIS is designed to properly coordinate the clinical, administrative and financial aspects of a hospital. HIS streamlines day-to-day operations and possesses the capability of analytics and reporting which helps to accomplish critical business decisions.
Medfields, being a renowned healthcare service provider from Medfields offers comprehensive product IT solutions for medium to large-sized hospitals. Backed by a team of IT service professionals with decades of experience, we hold a successful track record of developing and implementing Hospital Information Systems (HIS) across healthcare centers around the globe. We have helped them in managing their processes without much hassle with improved Quality of Service and patient care. Medfields HIS has a strong suite of products for the healthcare industry ranging from Medfields Clinic, Medfields Pharma and Medfields HomeCare.

Medfields HIS
Medfields HIS is a complete Hospital Management Solution that effectively handles all clinical, financial, administrative, and management operations for hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and care-homes.
Medfields HIS is a complete Hospital Management Solution that effectively handles all clinical, financial, administrative, and management operations for hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and care homes. It is a modern customizable platform deployed on cloud or on-premises that enables healthcare enterprises to overcome the biggest challenges in healthcare today – eliminating monotonous and repetitive tasks in the areas of patient management - automating clinical, electronic medical records (EMR) and inventory functions and thereby improving the quality of patient care, cost reduction and maximizing revenue. Our system is designed to deliver key tangible benefits to clients across the globe. Take a look at our solution highlights.
End-to-End Integration
Medfields HIS is an ideal package for integrating the administrative, financial and clinical aspects of healthcare organization.
Intuitive User Interface
Enhanced user experience and streamlined processes for managing Hospital Chains all around the world.
Customized Solution
Fits healthcare enterprise of all sizes and can be synchronized with our client’s unique business goals.
Amazingly Fast
The HIS features unparalleled flexibility and scalability and is responsible for achieving optimum performance and quick manipulation.
Secured Solution
Security threats are handled efficiently in the events of heavy traffic and assures information confidentiality.
Meets Global Standards
The solutions we build adhere to global standards and yield quality output.
Affordable High-Quality Solution
Our state-of-the-art HIS solution helps hospitals provide better managed care and brings the best of output in terms of efficiency, ROI, and effectiveness.
Medfields HIS Modules

Medfields HIS streamlines the operations of day-to-day tasks and interactions across all the modules of a healthcare institution. We keep track of all the operations, user's data with a much better user interface, improved efficiency and increased number of modules. Our clients have been using the platform since 2001 to handle in-patients, out-patients, accidents/emergencies and day care patients using the modules that include:
- Information Desk
- Appointment Desk
- Billing Desk
- Insurance Desk
- Doctors Desk
- Emergency Desk (Casualty)
- Token Management System
- Vital Entry Desk
- Treatment Room
- Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
- Pharmacy Management
- Laboratory Desk
- Radiology Desk
- Admission, Discharge & Transfer (ADT)
- Nurses Desk
- Xray
- Scanning
- Operation Theatre
- Blood Bank
- General Store
- Central Store (Drugs and Consumables)
- Food and Beverages
- House Keeping
- Insurance Management
- Management Information System (MIS)
- Dashboard
- Reports
Front Office Activities In Medfields

Let’s take a look at the functions that are designed in each module to make the clinic management system easy to use, comprehensive, powerful and reliable.
Information Desk
- Finding of UHID with different Parameters like Name, Mobile Number, Email, Place, Pin code, Etc.,
- Patient Enquiry
- Doctors available Days/Timing
- Hospital Map/Rooms
- Holiday calendar
- Registration Token Issue
- Reports
Registration Desk
- Gathering of patient details according to clinical requirements
- Collect patient’s photograph
- Categorization of patients based on company /insurance/staff etc..
- Add scanned documents as e-doc if needed
- Collect registration fee if needed (it is based on patient category)
- Renew the registration (if hospital have the duration for registration)
- Provision to provide barcode/QR enabled registered card/other latest technology to provide SMS or email
- Provision to change the status of registration
- Reprint
- View of daily registration
- Reports
Appointment Desk
- Scheduling appointments for patients based on the availability of doctors, laboratory, and radiology services
- Adding different time slots for new and revisit
- Provision for doctors to view day count of available/filled/all status
- An Option to block group slots for management/institutes
- Information can be fetched in the selected interval (like after 2 months,3 weeks, etc..,)
- Provision to search patients to identify UHID
- Solution to book appointments without UHID
- Holiday calendar
- SMS/Email facility as a confirmation/ reminder
- Reports
- All ordered requests will be converted as a bill here.
- Ordered service sets will be displayed with details of co-payment, deductible, amount, discount, and doctor. All service amount is based on category tariff
- Bill settlement via cash/cheque/card and credit (based on hospital policy)
- Reprint option
- Edit option /counter based on user roles
- Counter and service group mapping
- Provision to deduct bill amount from different wallet/advance
- Bill cancellation if allowed
- Reports
Vital Desk /Pre-Doctor Desk
Usually, this area will be managed by clinical professionals, but Medfields have a provision of managing the Vital desk with our healthcare professionals.
- Entry of vital values
- Entry of chief complaint, lifestyles, allergy, e-doc, etc
- Provision to verify/enter the laboratory which was directed by the previous visit.
- Token classification in terms of direct/token/referral
- Transfer patient to DTE
- Reports
Doctor Desk (CPOE)
- Entry screen is shown with appointment patient /consulted/referral
- Entry/edit of HOPI –history of present illness
- Settings/entry /edit /analysation of vitals
- Settings/entry /edit physical examination
- Settings/entry /edit complaints/severity/duration
- Settings/entry /edit questionnaire
- Entry/edit of provisional diagnosis(ICD 10 based)
- Entry/edit of final diagnosis (ICD 10 based)
- Settings/entry /edit of service set other than lab and radiology (you can set favorites based on the doctor )
- Options to suggest “care plan” based on final/provisional diagnosis.
- Prepare service requisition of laboratory-based on specimen entry /edit (final/preliminary ) (you can set favorites based on the doctor)
- Prepare service requisition of radiology entry/edit (final/preliminary ) (you can set favorites based on the doctor)
Medical orders to the selected pharmacy(master driven) (you can set favorites based on doctor)
- Entry/edit of generic/brand of medicine
- Route
- Frequency
- Dosage
- Instruction to pharmacist/patient
- Days
- Entry/edit of summary of diseases (you can fix favorites based on doctor/department )
- Settings/entry /edit vaccination plan (pediatric)
- Settings/entry /edit diet: enable diet consulting (select)
- Entry/edit of social history
- Entry/edit of HOPI and medication
- Entry/edit of habit
- Entry/edit of lifestyles
- Entry/edit of allergies(drug /general)
- Entry/edit of family history
- Entry/edit of reference with different methods
- Entry/edit of admission/surgery request (now or later)
- Facility to see the previous prescription with date and specialties
- Facility to analyze laboratory/vital values
- Upload /edit of scanned images
- Easy patient acceptance for doctors
- Reports
ADT(Admission - Discharge - Transfer )
- List of pending/rejected IP request with doctor/department/request time/priority
- Classification of requests based on surgery, regular admission, etc
- Entry of medical counseling details
- Entry of billing counseling details
- Provision to view/manage entire floor details in a graphical manner to allot room/bed for the patient
- Provision to add additional rooms for bystanders
- Room/ward/bed interchanging, shifting, vacating, adding
- Face sheet printout (summary of IP registration details)
- Wrist band provision
- Reports
Nurses Desk
- Approval of IP request
- Provision to access patient medical history
- Set patient list for laboratory, radiology, procedure, etc based on doctors advise
- Medicine request generation based on doctors advise
- Specimen collection and issue to laboratory
- MAR(Medication AdministrationRecord): includes medicine request and medication records
- Chart with vital, intake and outputs like IV fluid, oral fluid, aspiration, vomitus, urine, etc (includes date and time)
- Patient diary
- Laboratory request and reports
- Patient shifting
- DTE service requests like x rays and reports
- Discharge advice
- Discharge summary with advice on lifestyle, medicines, review, etc
- Reports
Emergency Desk (Casualty)
- Creates emergency ID for patient (later this can be merged with new/old UHID)
- Based on ER doctors, set order for laboratory, radiology, procedure
- Based on ER doctors, generate medicine request
- Specimen collection and issue to laboratory
- MAR(medication administration record)
- IP request generation
- Reports
Laboratory Desk
- Define the container or method of specimen collection and transfer
- Maintaining date, time, specimens volume, phlebotomist name and requested service details
- Facility to generate and print sample number in barcode format
- Color code management
- Interface management with equipment
- Acceptance of tests from the specimen collection area.
- Provision to create master settings for normal threshold
- Laboratory test grouping and assigning of service to lab tests
- Reagent stock management
- Tariff management (profit-wise)
- Assigning of work stations for lab tests
- Different type of reporting based on departments (hematology, microbiology etc.,)
Blood Bank
- Blood bag creation with volume
- Donor creation with all contact and demographic details including voluntary or replacement/organization or individual
- Blood screening
- Requisition generation for blood
- Blood splitting
- Cross-matching
- Issue against requisition
- Discard of blood
- Report
Central Store (Drugs and Consumables)
- Item Creation Based on Main Group Subgroup
- Facilities to give Multiple Unit, Reorder level, Manufactures, Chemical (Molecule/Generic Name ) Default Supplier, Taxable Information )
- Purchase Order generation (PO)
- Facility to analyze Previous Purchase details based on Items/ Supplier/ Chemical
- Acceptance of GRN with verification of corresponding Purchase order and its parameters like Item name/Rate/Offer/Validity of PO/Credit limit etc.
- Facility to combine Different Purchase order on Single GRN
- Facility to accept Indent from Pharmacies/Sub Stores/Nurses Desk/Casualty /OT etc
- Stock Transfer Based on Indent
- Stock acceptance based on reverse indent
- Purchase Return to Supplier
- Opening Stock Management
- Stock adjustment (Strictly based on user roles)
- Damage/ Expiry Item Management
- Indent Generation for Stores
- Acceptance of Items based on Indent
Drug Issue(Sales) to Patient through the following Method
- Direct Entry of Drugs
- Based on Doctors Request
- Based on IP request generated from Nurses Desk
- Based on the OT/Casualty Request
- Sales Return Based on Patient Bill (We have the facility to combine multiple sales bill in Single “ Sales Return”)
- Facility to return drugs to Store
MIS (Management Information Systems)
Day at a glance (Graphical representation of complete hospital activities including Finance)
Patient-Doctor analyzation

Patient department analyzation
Patient visit type analyzation

Patient visit type analyzation(Doctor wise)

Patient gender-wise analyzation

Income /Doctor wise analyzation

Source of income analyzation

Chief complaint analyzation

Patient age-wise analyzation

Drug wise Analyzation: Purchase/Sales/Stock/Profit/Comparisons of Molecules
Rooms utilization for IP Patients
Inpatient/Doctor/ Department wise analysation
Business Impacts
Modernize your healthcare organization with our HIS solutions to avail a plethora of benefits
- Streamlined clinical and administrative tasks
- Quick and coordinated care
- Reduced patient waiting time and improved efficiency.
- Enhanced access to information
- Enables greater understanding of business needs, better planning and informed decisions.
- Easy and quick document retrieval as patients charts and other medical reports can be retrieved at one-click.
- Prompt technical support and reliable reporting system
- Improved revenue management increases overall productivity and profitability

Medfields Clinic
Medfields Clinical Management is a web-based system that can be deployed and customized for any hospitals around the globe. Our system provides the benefits of streamlined operations and helps hospitals to offer better service to patients, staff, and management.
Clinical management has undergone a significant digital transformation over the decades. The clinical management system is an integrated system of managing all clinical operations such as administrative, medical, financial, legal, etc. A successful clinical management system is achieved with the blend of expertise, advanced technology platforms and up-to-date knowledge of healthcare key elements.
Medfields Clinical Management is a web-based system that can be deployed and customized for any hospitals around the globe. Our system provides the benefits of streamlined operations and helps hospitals to offer better service to patients, staff, and management. Electronic Medical Record (EMR) enabled with this solution eliminates monotonous and repetitive tasks in all the modules of clinical management. Medical Practitioners and Technicians can easily make decisions based on computer-generated reports. Medfields Clinical Management System supports cloud and intranet implementations.
Our Clinical Management System Benefits
Medfields fully integrated web-based hospital management system best suits small, mid-size and large hospitals and clinics. Our system is widely used by leading hospitals around the globe and the hospitals are benefited in the following ways
Streamlined Operations
Our clinical management system covers a wide range of hospital administration and management processes by streamlining operations, enhancing administrative policies and processes, cost control, etc.
Easy Access To Patient Records
Our web-based system supports easy access to patient records according to age, demographics, department, treatment, etc. Such access to patient records enhances the continuity of patient care.
Overall Clinical Management
Hospital authorities can effectively manage available resources, inspecting staff work, optimize the supply chain, improved drug usage monitoring system, integrated inventory management, etc.
Enhances Information Integrity
Our clinical management system is easy to use and eliminates workflow processing errors, reduces transcription errors and duplication of information entries.
Enhances Overall Healthcare Experience
As all data is made available on a single platform, it improves the communication and interaction of doctors with their patients and the quality of patient care.
Medfields Clinic Modules

Medfields clinical management system stabilizes the functioning of daily tasks and interactions across all the modules of a healthcare institution. We keep track of all the operations, user's data with a much better user interface, improved efficiency and increased number of modules. Our end-to-end solutions span across the entire module of hospital management empowering smooth and clear functionality.
- Information Desk
- Registration Desk
- Appointment Desk
- Billing Desk
- Insurance Desk
- Vital Desk /pre Doctor Desk
- Doctor Desk (CPOE)
- Emr (Electronic Medical Record)
- ADT(Admission –discharge-transfer )
- Nursesdesk
- Emergency Desk (Casualty)
- Laboratory Desk
- Radiology Desk
- Blood Bank
- Central Store (Drug And Consumables)
- General Store
- Pharmacy
- Insurance Management
- Reports
- MIS(Management Information Systems)
Why Medfields Clinical Management System?
Utilizing Clinical Management System from Medfields enables your healthcare organization to experience a series of benefits.
- Global experience in the healthcare industry
- Seamless communication with our product developers
- Customer-centric web-based clinical management solutions
- An error-free solution within stipulated time and budget
- 24*7 customer support
- Better quality of service
- Stringent security and compliance standards

Medfields Pharma
Right from new medicine purchase to customer billing and reordering medicines to expire alerts and sales return, all can be done and managed by Medfields Pharmacy Management System.
The healthcare industry is undergoing a significant transformation and the pharmacy department needs solutions to increase efficiency and manage workflows. Medfields Pharmacy Management enables us to manage all aspects of hospital pharmacy practice within a single system. We help hospitals to streamline their pharmacy stock management efficiently, resulting in improved quality control and reduced medication errors.
Right from new medicine purchase to customer billing and reordering medicines to expire alerts and sales return, all can be done and managed by Medfields Pharmacy Management System. We have utilized advanced technology and tools in our PMS to address specific requirements and eliminate complexities that are specific to the organization. Our end-to-end pharmacy management solutions are fully compliant with drug licensing requirements and timely provisioned.
Common Bottlenecks Faced
Fully-integrated Pharmacy management system eliminates the following bottlenecks faced in the hospitals.
Lack Of Automation and Consistency
Due to the lack of consistent and automated procedures, system anomalies keep showing up from time to time, which can adversely affect the pharmacy workflow.
Billing Errors
Paper-based prescribing and inefficient workflow of bill processes leads to inaccuracy in day-to-day operations, which impacts the effective functioning of the hospital.
Inventory and Payment Management
The discrepancy in managing inventory leads to overstocking or understocking. Similarly, inefficiency in billing systems processing causes improper payment management.
Our Pharmacy Management Solutions
Medfield’s complete Pharmacy Management module brings speed and reliability to your pharmacy. We are continually evaluating the processes to meet daily needs. Our pharmacy management solutions range from stock management, inventory management, dispensing, clinical interventions, reporting, etc. Our services are customer-centric and solutions are fully customized according to our client’s clinical requirements.
Supply Chain and Stock Control

- Item Creation Based on Main Group/Subgroup
- Provision to provide Multiple Unit, Reorder level, Manufactures, Chemical (Molecule/Generic Name ) Default Supplier, Taxable Information )
- Purchase Order generation (PO)
- Solution to analyze Previous Purchase details based on Items/ Supplier/ Chemical
- Acceptance of GRN with verification of corresponding Purchase order and its parameters like Item name/Rate/Offer/Validity of PO/Credit limit etc.
- Different Purchase order on Single GRN can be combined
- Acceptance of Indent from Pharmacies/Sub Stores/Nurses Desk/Casualty /OT etc
- Stock Transfer Based on Indent
- Stock acceptance based on reverse indent
- Purchase Return to Supplier
- Opening Stock Management
- Stock adjustment (Strictly based on user roles)
- Damage/ Expiry Item Management
Dispensing and Prescribing
- Indent Generation for Stores
- Acceptance of Items based on Indent
Drug Issue(Sales) to Patient through the following Method
- Direct Entry of Drugs
- Based on Doctors Request
- Based on IP request generated from Nurses Desk
- Based on the OT/Casualty Request
- Sales Return Based on Patient Bill (We have the provision to combine multiple sales bill in Single “ Sales Return”)
- Provision to return drugs to Store

Our reporting functionality allows clinics to enhance workflows by improving automated and cost-control procedures.
- Customized workflow reports and user-generated reports
- Standard costing reports by Individual Patient, Medical Team, and Prescription Type
- Information such as pharmacist initials, doctor name, script numbers, prescription date, product description, label instructions, quantity and cost of the drug are mentioned in the reports.
Why Choose Medfields For Pharmacy Management?
Medfields offer top-notch Pharmacy Management solutions to global clients. Take a look at the key differentiators of Medfields
We possess unrivaled experience in offering one-stop-solutions for Pharmacy Management to various Healthcare organizations situated globally, delivering them with outcomes they look for.
Time Zone Advantage
We can offer top-notch 24*5 Pharmacy Management solutions to healthcare organizations situated globally with no time constraints.
Fully Compliant
We are fully compliant with drug licensing requirements and adopt best practices to limit overall downside risk within the Pharmacy.
Improved Quality Control
We guarantee enhanced workflow efficiencies by efficiently reducing medication errors. We assure optimal Return On Investment at the best industry cost.

Medfields Home Care
Medfields HomeCare services offer personalized nursing care at home conveniently for the comfort of patients and their families. We have redefined the healthcare landscape by delivering quality healthcare solutions to hospitals situated around the globe.
The growing trends in the healthcare scenario have led to the advent of Homecare services in the healthcare industry. Homecare services offer personalized nursing care at home conveniently for the comfort of patients and their families. Medfields has redefined the healthcare landscape by delivering quality healthcare solutions to hospitals situated around the globe. On the verge of keeping up with our mission, we are offering personalized and professional home healthcare services that enable patient’s quick and convenient recovery within the comfort of one’s home. We provide expert medical supervision by expert doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, etc and we can assure you of the quality of service at home the same as you obtain in hospitals.
How Can We Help?
Medfields Home Care services commence only after the doctor consultation and based on doctor’s approval for getting treated at home. We offer home care services for patients in the following areas
- Post-surgical care
- Diabetes Care
- Lab Care
- ElderCare
- Mother and baby care
- Physiotherapy
- Lab Tests
- The short and long term nursing
- Speech and language therapy
- Stroke rehabilitation
Our nursing assistant performs the following regularly as part of the healthcare services offered at home.
- Regular check and note readings of blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate, and breathing
- Keep a note on the patient’s diet and medications
- Enquire about the patient's health and detect if the patient shows any discomfort
- Checks if the patient’s health requires the assistance of the medical device and the feasibility of operating the device at home
- Right treatment by proper coordination with the doctor
Benefits Of Our Home Healthcare Services
- Our best-in-class home care services help patients to maintain independence and stay at home for as long as possible while recovering from the illness sooner.
- Dedicated one-to-one focus and care
- Supervised diet and nutrition
- Recovery from chronic health conditions without hospitalization
- Better health outcomes at the patient’s comfort
- Quick recovery following a hospital stay