Corporate Social Responsibility
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Medfields believe and preaches Green Computing, which refers to environmentally sustainable computing whose goals are to reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximise energy efficiency during the product's lifetime, and promote the recyclable or biodegradability of defunct products and factory waste.
Medfields is conscious and concerned for its CSR policies. We value the basic concept of social responsibility and strive hard to implement all our CSR goals. Technology is responsible for the increase of global connectivity and has contributed a lot in spreading awareness for the social responsibility towards the society and the prevalent situations that were once ignored. Now a days technology is not only responsible to connect but it also ensures that it gives back some percentage of it to the society. Our CSR activities contribute an important part of cooperate strategy where we give a predominant importance to reputation and goodwill. Indeed we have directly involved in may social and environmental issues. We at Medfields are aware on our corporate social responsibilities. We have obligations that are environmental, philanthropical and we follow an ethical labor practices. We don’t mind going an extra mile to contribute to our environment and doing donations to national and local authorities/ organizations.
The directors of Medfields give great predominance to the concept of corporate social responsibility and corporate governance. Medfields believes that the success of an organization is not just limited to wealth maximization rather accountable to the society environmentally and should also posse’s social commitment. We work with various non profit organization for the empowerment of weaker section of the society by providing better education and better standard of living for a sustainable livelihood by prioritizing the requisites for the journey towards a better way to life and there by help the country to rise its human development index. Medfields believe and preaches Green Computing or green IT, which refers to environmentally sustainable computing or IT whose goals are to reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the product's lifetime, and promote the recyclable or biodegradability of defunct products and factory waste. As per this concept we generally concentrate on energy efficiency, reducing resource consumption and disposing of electronic waste in a responsible manner.

Medfields follow three key factors that have enabled the Cloud computing to lower energy usage and carbon emissions from ICT. Due to these Cloud features, organizations can reduce carbon emissions by at least 30% per user by moving their applications to the Cloud. These savings are driven by the high efficiency of large scale Cloud data centers.
Dynamic provisioning
At Medfields we generally concentrate on energy efficiency, reducing resource consumption and disposing of electronic waste in a responsible manner. Technology is responsible for bringing increase of global connectivity and has controlled a lot in spreading awareness on social aspects that were once ignored. Now a day’s technology not only connects but also ensures that it gives back some percentage of its social responsibility. Green computing is the environmentally responsible use of computers and related resources. Such practices include the implementation of energy efficient central processing units (CPUs), servers and peripherals as well as reduced resource consumption and proper disposal of electronic waste. Computers today have become a necessity not only in offices but also at homes. No doubt, computers have made doing various tasks very easy and efficient; they pose a great problem, which is affecting the environment adversely. As the number of computers is increasing day by day, so do they consume the amount of electricity, which in turn is increasing the carbon content in atmosphere. People have realized this problem and measures are being taken which help in minimizing the power usage of computers. Superficially, this can be called as Green Computing. In a deeper sense, Green Computing is the study, which lays stress on the operation of computers and related peripherals in order to minimize the carbon footprint.
We at Medfields are aware on our corporate responsibility. We owe it to our environmental philanthropic and ethical labor practices. We are happy to go an extra mile to contribute to our environment and doing donations to national & local authorities. We treat our employees fairly & ethically to ensure their safety & prosperity. Recent study says that electronics make up approximately 1% of the municipal solid waste stream. Electronic waste is growing at the rate of 3 times the rate of the municipal waste. Donate the old computers to needful like schools, non-profitable organizations & lower income family are our ideal targets. We support the recycling of the computers by electronic recycling organizations. We encourage use of power safety surge protections and Back up ES.
Smarter & Solar powered building
It has been estimated that building uses about 30% of electricity. Within a span of 2030 building would be the largest emitter of green house gas. Medfields located at Infopark, Cochin has the best building structure that could manage all type of energy to maintain has a Green House Office and roof of all buildings at Infopark are installed with Solar Panels. This would benefit the company to reduce energy consumption and reduces operating cost, which we could provide for accounting standards that would help other business firms.
Green Data Center
We could find tremendous growth in IT for the past few years. At the same time there has been lot of challenges in regulations, rising energy costs, expanding datacenters. We build on a green infrastructure and focus on clear infrastructure and we manage data centers, facilities and building management systems to reduce costs, reduce operational problems and prepare rapidly emerging regulatory environment. We have advanced approach to manage and control energy beyond the data center which solves most of the today’s energy issues.
Responsibility beyond business - CSR activities of 2009 – 2019
- Worked closely in hands with non profit organizations for providing better education and health facilitates.
- Safe drinking water projects and better sanitation facilities.
- Conducting campaign for channelizing resources and thereby achieving better standards of life
- Providing critical aid to victims affected by natural calamities

Corporate Governance
The time is always right to do what is right!
Medfields corporate governance ensures proper management with the directors. We ensure an agile, proper performance is necessary to ensure the highest standards of corporate governance.
Our company is built with reputation, which is delivered not just through business or market performance. It comes from the core values practiced by our company. Inherently these values are defined by Integrity. Integrity lays down the guidelines how we all behave and work. What follows is a ready reckoner for Medfields employees to consult whenever they come to a crossroad.
Medfields vehemently agree to the concept of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. In pursuing the company's corporate aspiration to be a leader in outsourced IT services by 2020, the board is steadfast in maintaining high standards of corporate governance with a view to enhancing stakeholder value, increasing confidence, establishing customer trust and building a competitive organization.
The Board meets is held every quarter with additional meetings convened as and when urgent issues and important decisions are required to be taken between the scheduled meetings. At the end of financial period 31st March 2019, the board met 10 times to deliberate and consider a variety of significant matters that required its guidance and approval. All Directors have complied with the requirement that directors must attend at least 75% of Board meetings held in the financial period, and attended at least 50% of Board meetings held in financial year 31 March 2019 pursuant to the listing requirements. The current practice is to appoint Board members to appear on subsidiary boards, in particular the key overseas subsidiaries, to maintain oversight and ensure the operations of the respective subsidiaries are aligned with the strategies and objectives.
Corporate Governance policies
Medfields corporate governance ensures proper management with the directors. We ensure an agile, proper performance is necessary to ensure the highest standards of corporate governance. At Medfields, the board of directors is at the core of our corporate governance practice and oversees how the management serves and protects the long-term interests.
Corporate Governance report
As a part of our commitment to follow global best practices, we comply with the BODs Corporate Governance Guidelines 2007, and the recommendations of the management members.